Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Low Passing Rate of CSC Exam Result August 2024

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) and the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced on Tuesday that 47,449 out of 329,465 examinees or 14.43 percent passed the 2024 Civil Service Examinations held last August 11, 2024.

For the professional exam, 42,812 out of 296,758 or 14.43 percent examinees passed while in the subprofessional, 4,637 out of 32,707 or 14.18 percent passed.

For the List of Passers visit the CSC Exam Portal.

Such low passing rate could either be that the exams are becoming difficult or the aptitude and readiness of the applicants are declining. 

It was held in testing centers in all CSC offices in the National Capital Region (NCR), Ilocos, Cagayan Valley, Central Luzon, Calabarzon, Mimaropa, Bicol, Western Visayas, Central Visayas, Eastern Visayas, Zamboanga Peninsula, Northern Mindanao, SOCCSKSARGEN, Caraga, Cordillera Administrative Region and Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM).

Sunday, September 1, 2024




Such is the circus that happened during budget hearing for the Office of the Vice President.  A trending word SHIMINET was coined from the statement of the Vice President Sarah Duterte: 

            ""She may not like my answer. She may not like how I answer. She may not like the content of my answer, but I am answering."

Watch from here: 

COMPILATION: Sara Duterte vs Stella Quimbo during the House's budget hearing for OVP

Governance shouldn't be defined by politicians. Instead, politicians should be defined by the kind of  governance expected from them by the people whom they say they serve. 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

House Bill No. 9348 Proposed Absolute Divorce Act



Divorce in the Philippines?

Finally!!! or Whaaat???

The Philippines is predominantly a Christian country. The introduction of divorce divides the Filipinos between upholding church teachings and marital realities. 

There is no quarrel nor conflict with religion and the law. 

Religion teaches to uphold the ideal while the law resolves the realities.

Under HB No. 9349 or the proposed Absolute Divorce Act, the following are considered grounds for absolute divorce:

  • Physical violence or grossly abusive conduct directed against the petitioner, a common child, or a child of the petitioner

  • Physical violence or moral pressure to compel the petitioner to change religious or political affiliation
  • Attempt of respondent to corrupt or induce the petitioner, a common child, or a child of the petitioner, to engage in prostitution, or connivance in such corruption or inducement
  • Final judgment sentencing the respondent to imprisonment of more than six (6) years, even if pardoned
  • Drug addiction or habitual alcoholism or chronic gambling of the respondent

  • Homosexuality of the respondent
  • Contracting by the respondent of a subsequent bigamous marriage, whether in the Philippines or abroad
  • Marital infidelity or perversion or having a child with another person other than one’s spouse during the marriage, except when upon the mutual agreement of the spouses, a child is born to them through in vitro fertilization or a similar procedure or when the wife bears a child after being a victim of rape

  • Attempt by the respondent against the life of the petitioner, a common child or a child of the petitioner

  • Abandonment of petitioner by respondent without justifiable cause for more than one (1) year.

  • When the spouses are legally separated by judicial decree for more than two (2) years, either spouse can petition the proper Family Court for an absolute divorce based on said judicial decree of legal separation

As always, availment of rights such as these require monetary fulfillment. But the availability of divorce is supposed to strengthen marriage such that spousal abuse should not happen if couples wish to remain married to each other. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2024



The First Lady Atty Lisa Araneta Marcos has been scorching the media for her one liners during interviews.

1.  Even Leni never did that. - referring to the "bangag" term which the Former President Rodrigo Duterte called the current President Ferdinance Marcos. 

2. I know what line not to cross. - on her on-going tension with her sister on -law Senator Imee Marcos and the latter's absence during weekly family Sunday Lunch.

3. Bad shot na sa akin yan. - to Vice President Sara Duterte when she seemingly agreed with her father calling the sitting President banga.

4. Hindi na po uso ang paninira, hindi na po uso ang pagbabatikos at mga salitang napakasakit. Hindi ganoon ang Pilipino, rich or poor, may class naman tayo ng kaunti.

5. I'm many things but I am not a hypocrite," the First Lady said in an interview on the "Tune in kay Tunying" online program. 

6. I felt hurt. - on her relationship with VP Duterte

FL Atty. Lisa Marcos versus VP Atty. Sarah Duterte


It has been an amusing past week of public display of animosity from the camp of First Lady Atty. Lisa Marcos towards Vice President Atty. Sara Duterte. The First Lady is candid and wifey in her perspective.

The laugh reaction made by VP Sara when her father, the former President Rodrigo Duterte, called the current President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. - "Bangag" (high on drugs), is what took the lid off.

It was construed as an affirmation that the statement is true.

Bad shot, is now the current trading word. A word that was popular before the technology lingos. 

In an interesting twist of events, despite agreeing to his wife's reaction, the President still remained neutral and did not let it affect the professional dynamics he has with the Vice President. 

Politics is such a circus. 

Friday, March 8, 2024

P20.00 per Kilo of Rice Possible?

Campaign promises are often times ideal, that out of desperation the people believe it. 

Some times, promises are outrageous and the people are awed by the audacity of the person to pronounce such promises.

Other times, the promises are lame because they are practical and doable. 

But the people go for the flashy but uncomplicated ideas  to solve all their known problems.

We still never learn.

Or we refuse to learn.

Simply because, hope is the only thing that hold each one of us in the face of crisis, deprivation and hardships.

So go ahead. 

Keep on hoping.

Chinese Vessels in Philippine Waters

Why is the government helpless?

This has been a long playing illegal occupation.

The politicians had been busy investigating issues instead of pushing back against such aggression to the country's sovereignty.

What is the Philippine Government afraid of? 

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

2022 Philippine Elections: Competence versus Popularity

Just what really should be our basis for electing officials? 

The media resonate commentaries, opinions that certain officials are the best candidates for certain positions, yet their winnability is doubtful. So these commentators and political pundits downplay these competent, potential candidates and set the minds of the viewers and listeners to settle for popular candidates. 

Where is the logic in that? 

Fow what reason/s do we elect people? 

To govern, right? (!)

If there are competent, potential candidates, why shouldn't they be the ones to run and win elections? 

Shouldn't their competence make them popular to gain enough votes to win elections?

Is competence not the primary reason people should be elected? 

No wonder that Filipinos always see elective officials lacking. 

That pretty much answers why they have been voted into office in the first place. 

So, will Filipinos still settle for popularity? 

Or shouldn't it be for competence? 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Vice-President LENI Robredo and Senator MANNY Pacquiao: Public Service over Personal Grandeur

Why do we need to choose leaders based on popularity? Unless Filipinos stopped treating elections as some kind of popularity contest - desired change in government will never happen.

2022 wannabes already declared their intentions, others still assessing their winnability, while some have lost their luster from their 2016 ill-timed candidacies.

The 2022 National Election is like a litmus paper. It is showing the kind of politicians there are in the Philippines.

Never should Filipinos go with rhetorics. They should look closely on what these wannabes have done while in office. what these wannabes have done while in office. This consideration should take 50% of their deciding factors. 

The grassroot development initiatives of the wannabes should take center stage and not the propensity to be in the news for gutter style politicking.

The Filipinos are a proud race. Give your votes the dignity it deserve. 

Politicians focus on perpetuating themselves in power. 
Public Officials focus on initiating development in the community.

While one has to do politics to be a Public Official, those with the heart for the people restrain themselves from politicking once in office. They focus instead in finding solutions to the myriad of problems affecting the country. Positions are opportunities to help more. 

For mere politicians, it is a stepping stone for higher positions. An opportunity to bring in family members and friends to create a network of power. 

The very act of consulting  others is a good indicator of a person's real intention/s. 

Consultative Decision-Making Process vs Unilateral Decisions

A lot is at stake with the outcome of 2022 elections. The pandemic has shattered local, national and world - wide economies.

Government decisions which do not take into consideration the people's situation, are but a reflection of self-anointment. 

It is time for the Filipinos to seek leaders who will want to know, actively listen and act favorably on common sentiments. 

Nurturing vs Threatening

Yes, governments need strong leaders. Leaders who can make things happen. Leaders who can make people believe and follow their visions.

How one uses power is an indicator of what drives him/her most.

Governments exist for the people. 

It is the institution on which people will feel protected, supported and provided for.

Respect instead of fear.

Inspiration instead of condescension.

Pride instead of shame.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Delta Variant Information

https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20210712/what-to-know-about-covid-delta-variant https://health.ucdavis.edu/coronavirus/covid-19-information/delta-variant.html

What is the Delta variant?
The Delta variant, also known as B.1.617.2, can spread more easily, according to the CDC. The strain has mutations on the spike protein that make it easier for it to infect human cells. That means people may be more contagious if they contract the virus and more easily spread it to others. It is now the dominant strain in the U.S. 

What is the Delta Plus variant? 
 The Delta Plus variant, also known as B.1.617.2.1 or AY.1, is considered a “subvariant” of the Delta version, according to CBS News. It has a mutation that allows the virus to better attack lung cells and potentially escape vaccines. First identified in India, Delta Plus has now been found in the U.S., U.K., and nearly a dozen other countries. India has labeled it a variant of concern, but the CDC and WHO haven’t. 

Where did the Delta variant come from? 
 The Delta variant was first identified in India in December 2020 and led to major outbreaks in the country. It then spread rapidly and is now reported in 104 countries, according to a CDC tracker. As of early July, Delta has become the dominant form of the coronavirus in the U.S., U.K., Germany, and other countries. In the U.K., for instance, the Delta variant now makes up more than 97% of new COVID-19 cases, according to Public Health England.

Is the Delta variant more deadly? 
 Scientists are still tracking the data to determine how deadly it is. Based on hospitalizations in the U.K., the Delta variant does seem to be more likely to lead to hospitalization and death, particularly among unvaccinated people, according to a recent study published in The Lancet.

Delta variant: 8 things you should know about this COVID-19 strain

1. Delta variant is highly contagious
As of July 22, nearly 80% of UC Davis Health patients who tested positive for COVID-19 had the Delta variant. According to the CDC during the same week, the Delta variant accounted for more than 80% of new cases in the U.S. Health experts say it's typical for a new strain of a virus to be more contagious because it often becomes much more efficient and easily transmitted. 

2. Delta variant symptoms are the same 

 The symptoms of the Delta variant appear to be the same as the original version of COVID-19. However, physicians are seeing people getting sicker quicker, especially for younger people. Recent research found that the Delta variant grows more rapidly – and to much greater levels – in the respiratory tract. Typically, vaccinated people are either asymptomatic or have very mild symptoms if they contract the Delta variant. Their symptoms are more like those of a common cold, such as cough, fever or headache, with the addition of significant loss of smell. 

3. Delta variant is affecting unvaccinated people more
Most patients hospitalized at UC Davis Medical Center are people who have not received the COVID-19 vaccine. Nationally, 97% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 are unvaccinated, as of July 22. Vaccines are highly effective at preventing COVID-19 infection and are also effective in fighting against the Delta variant. In California and across the U.S., data shows that areas with lower vaccination rates tend to have higher COVID-19 infection rates. Health experts urge that COVID-19 vaccines work to prevent severe disease, which may be fatal.

4. Breakthrough cases for vaccinated people are rare, but do happen 
 When a vaccinated person tests positive for COVID-19, most either have no symptoms or have very mild symptoms, and it rarely results in hospitalization or death. Their symptoms are more like those of a common cold, such as cough, fever or headache, with the addition of significant loss of smell. No vaccine is 100% effective. With the COVID-19 vaccines averaging about 90% efficacy, health experts expect about 10% of those vaccinated could be infected. According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, about 0.005% of the vaccinated population has reported breakthrough cases of COVID-19. 

5. Delta variant could be catastrophic in some communities 
 In communities with lower vaccination rates, particularly rural areas with limited access to care, the Delta variant could be even more damaging. This is already being seen around the world in poorer countries where the COVID-19 vaccine isn't as accessible. Health experts say the impact could be felt for decades to come.

6. Many unvaccinated patients with COVID-19 wish they had gotten the vaccine 
UC Davis Health physicians have noted that a number of younger patients, when they come in with critical illness, say that they wish they would have gotten the COVID-19 vaccine. Many patients have told their physicians, "Why did I not get the vaccine?" or "Why did I not listen?" 

 7. Some experts are recommending to wear masks, even if you're fully vaccinated
Many health experts across the country are wearing masks themselves even though they're fully vaccinated against COVID-19. They're also advising vaccinated people to avoid large gatherings and mask up indoors where the vaccination status of other people is unknown.

8. More COVID-19 variants are likely to come 
 The Delta variant is currently the most prominent strain of COVID-19, but the Lambda variant out of South America is also emerging. Health experts urge that if people want to get back to normal, a significant portion of the population needs to be vaccinated. As long as a chunk of people across the world are unvaccinated, new strains of the virus will continue to develop and cause problems.